Wednesday 4th August (about 30-45 minutes of researching)
Think i've just about got my essay question sorted out; how about-
"Assess theories in relation to the decline of the Maya civilisation"
found some really good books from the library;
* Patricia D. Netzley 2002, Maya Civilisation, Lucent Books San Diego, California.
* Michael D. Coe 1999, The Maya, 6th edn. Thames and Hudson Ltd, London.
also thought up a rough plan;
possible theories;
foreign attackers - evidence / judgement
enviro factors (ie; earthquake/ drought..) - " " " "
disease- " " " "
over farming (soil degradation/erosion leading to starvation etc) - " " " "
civil war/ peasant revolt- " " " "
economic collapse-" " " "
(might throw in ET as well : ) )
conclusion- a variety of dif. factors brought about the demise of the Maya culture etc..
Fascinating but difficult topic Annalisa. I have had two students do this over the years in History Extension. Suggest you just pick a couple of theories. A really hard question is why different historians come up with such different answers!